Acrylic is a wonderful and diverse product to use for many business applications. It comes in different thicknesses from 3/16” up to 1/2” to meet any requirement. A clear acrylic can be back-printed so as to show more depth to your design as well as serving as a “tamper proof” product.
Example: You have a reception sign at a doctor’s office and a child approaches your sign and starts drawing all over it with a crayon. No problem, simply get a damp cloth and wipe it down. No harm done.
Acrylic can also be cut to any shape you (and your company) desire.
Example: You’re ready to update the office. On the wall behind reception you want a sign cut to the shape of the Atlanta skyline. The back of the acrylic is to be printed black so as to pop off the wall and the company name will be mounted to the front of the acrylic in brushed aluminum composite lettering. Both the acrylic and aluminum composite are easily routed into these custom shapes.
And speaking of mounting, we suggest you have our installers use silver wall spacers so the sign stands off the wall about an inch or so for a little more dimension. The result is an easy and dramatic office upgrade without the inconvenience of painters and contractors in your way for weeks.
The Color Spot Inc / T 877.345.7768 / F 678.385.2178 / E